Thursday, March 15, 2018

His Grace Narrottam Prabhu

HG Narottam prabhu.
Papamocani ekadasi.He chose to leave this world on ekadasi.
Narottam prabhu was associated with Srila Prabhupads Puspa Samadhi Mandir from almost its begining in '96. He served as one of the main pujaris for Srila Prabhupad. He was later doing other simple services due to his increasing age, when he moved to the 'senior bramachari ashram'.
He was well known for his simplicity and sincerity. His service in the movement of more than 40 years never showed a tinge of pride. Many would call him Narrottam Baba out of love.
Unfortunately I dont know more about him, but the residents of Sridham Mayapur will surely have volumes to speak.
I only knew him as my fathers friend. They were good friends from even before my father got married. My father would tell us how he was very strong in his sadhana, and so he remained a bramachari all life.
My brother was lucky to serve him in a little way. When we had moved from Mayapur and were living in Tirupati, Narottam prabhu had given pictures of the lotus foot prints of the Lord and wanted my brother to paint them on canvas with oilpaints.
And how can I forget that he would share Srila Prabhupads Maha manytimes and also invited us for lunch at the Samadhi a few times. HG Shital prabhu(Dadu) would be more informal, joking and laughing and share prasadam, and Narottam prabhu was more formal and grave.

My mother recalls that just before I went to Mayapur this year for Gourpurnima, he had asked her:
"Mother, when will your 'choto baba' come?"
But unfortunately I heard that he was admitted in the hospital when I was there and never had his darshan again! :(

The moment Uttarayan starts, we start losing such great souls! It is very clearly visible every year!!! Its as if they keep waiting for Uttarayan to start! Last year HG Shital prabhu and this year Him! :(

Unfortunately these are the only pics I could find now. If anyone has better ones, please do share.

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