Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ayurvedic Dinacharya(Daily chores)

In our rush of economic/technological/social/national/global development, or lets say in the name of such development, we have brushed aside all our cultural and traditional activities/rules/chores etc.
Ofcourse foreign invasions have also contributed in the destruction of these priceless aspects, but our nature of trying to ape the 'developed' countries has taken the toll even more.

Unfortunately, we have not only lost Spiritual, but also material 'heritage' and are still losing now due to the influence of many factors, one of them being the television media.

And one amongst the many treasures, is the knowledge of a healthy life, Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, given to us originally by Lord Dhanavantari, is so scientific and immeasurably deep that even our daily chores, if properly done as per the given procedures, we can be assured to stay far more healthier and live longer.
Ayurveda is not just a 'medical system', but it also has aspects that are merely a part of life and could look quite normal. However if these are included in our daily life, we can immensely be benefited.

Here is a PDF compiled by Rupesh Gauranga Prabhu which gives us all the rules/procedures of the daily chores as per Ayurveda, in a short format.

Please try to spread this and share this with everyone you know, and also lets thank Rupesh Gauranga prabhu for compiling this for everyones benefit.
I personally received this PDF on a whatsapp group and Im doing my part to share this with everyone.


I have heard many video lectures of Acharya Mehulji on Gurukula Education, Ayurvedic ways of living healthy life, Panchagavya & Ayurveda and so many other interesting topics related to these.

Mehulji, of Sanskruti AryaGurukulam, Rajkot, is primarily fully dedicated to spread the Gurukula system all over India on the order of his Guru.
Mehulji is an Ayurveda expert and share his wisdom at many workshops/camps/seminars....wherever possible.

I came to know about Ayurvedic Dinacharya from his videos and was very inspired to add it to my life and also share it with all my friends and foes.
Then I came across this PDF by Rupesh prabhu.
Thank you so much.

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