Thursday, August 22, 2019

Anesthesia for Trees!

Did you know Plants have life?
Old news right?

Cutting down big trees when widening roads or construction of buildings is not rare these days.
But some friends try to remove them carefully and transplant them in a different place.
Many big trees die if transplanted, or their chances of survival is less.

It has been found that they undergo a shock when suddenly removed.
So why not use anesthesia and perform the 'operation'?
Why not use treatments similar to us?
How about using Chloroform when transplanting a big tree!?!?
PC: Internet.

You are certainly laughing at me right now!
Am I crazy? Did I lose my mind?
Maybe yes, Maybe no.
But it has already been done.


It was already done by our Indian Scientist who proved to the Modern world that Plants have life!

Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858 – 1937)

"Bose was using chloroform on huge trees to transplant them into new ground.
Many large forest trees die very quickly after being moved however Bose proved that with chloroform and an antidote the trees would survive the move.

 Bose's apparatus proved that trees possess a circulatory system; their sap movements correspond to the blood pressure of animal bodies.
 Peristaltic waves issue from a cylindrical tube which extends down a tree and serves as an actual heart!
 The more deeply we perceive, the more striking becomes the evidence that a uniform plan links every form in nature."

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Monsoon Masala 'Vaccination'

When we are able to regulate/control the food we eat and also follow natures cycle, food itself acts as a medicine and keeps most diseases away.

There are different aspects of food that we need to take care of, one of them is Ritucharya.
What we eat should be seasonal and should also match with the nature of our body.
Each vegetable, fruit, the ingredients of seasoning can be used in different ways to cure or prevent various ailments.

Here is a recipe to prepare vaccination that can be used during the Monsoon season and also Winter.

1 spoon of dry ginger powder
2 spoons of jaggery
1 spoon of ghee

Mix them and make little balls, around the size of small marbles.
Adults can eat one ball every morning and kids can have half of it.

This will help in keeping away different infections of monsoons & winter, due to bacteria,viruses,etc.

Did you know?
According to Ayurveda, even good food prepared/served/eaten with anger can become toxic for your body.
It is said that the toxins created in this way stays within the body for 60 days!!!
So have your food with a happy state of mind.